It's been quite sometime now I inscribed something 'reader-able'.
Most of my colleagues, who are ardent readers of my pieces, including some Lectures keep asking and pondering over my dormancy that has taken place this very semester t write, as they seek to find out the reason(s) behind it.
In reality, I've not quit this important 'ritual', just a lil busy with other invaluable activities on Campus.
This time round, I've decided to focus on students of G.I.J and their relationship with the Library.
Apparently, the Library nicknamed Richard McMillan was set up to facilitate Teaching and Learning, as students in particular are encouraged to visit there at least once a day.
Interestingly, what I have observed is that, students equally have their own plans in the course of visiting the Library.
Apart from reading which is a core agendum in visiting the Library, let's find out other reasons why students would choose to 'throng' into the Library;
1) Gossip: Nowadays, it seems the Library has become a 'Gossip Hub' for some students, who take time to 'review' and 'hammer' on issues that shouldn't have been their concern at the first. But trust me, most of the finest Fillas are gotten from the Library.
'See! Kwame [Not real name] has been going to KFC and Papaye with that skinny girl Efya [Not real Name], yet he struggles to buy food whenever he visits Auntie Mercy's Joint. He's got nothing!"
This was a busy conversation I eavesdropped from a group of Ladies during my recent visit to the Library.
And you know yourself if you're reading this piece.
Notwithstanding the gossips, the Library seems to be a 'nice' place to argue over politics, football matches, telenovelas, fashion and much more.
Certainly! Whenever two or more conversations are heard on Campus, 'Gossip go dey inside.' Well, it's normal and G.I.J is also communication school, isn't it?
2) Sleep: The Library happens to be the best place for sleep, with the hope shaking off their worries, the Association of Library Sleepers have confirmed. It is apparent to see students' head on the reading table, or probably a book covering their face. Trust me, that isn't a new strategy of reading, probe further, and you'll find out that, it isn't just a style of sleeping but a redefined one.
Should you wake them up from their sleep, they'll be like, "Masa! Sleeping is part of GIJ's School fees breakdown, allow me."
I''m still trying out hard to figure out why students will opt to continue their sleep at the School's Library.
Do you know the reason, please tell me.
3) Charging of phones and Laptop*: Quite a number of students march along their Laptop and/or phones to the Library, not for studies, but purposely to 'boil'. Boiling was a jargon during my High School days at St. Charles' Minor Seminary and Senior School, which signified the idea of charging an electronic gadget.
They'll search for a corner to 'plug' their gadgets after which they wouldn't move an inch from the Library until their mission is accomplished. [Trust Issues Detected]
Does their prepaid at home, finish only at night? It's just a question o!
Lemme keep quiet erhh, it seems I sometimes find myself among these sect of students. It's also part of our fees abi?
4) Browse the Net: It is very easy to spot 7 out of 10 students at the Library browsing with their phones or laptops. Others would beg for hotspot, and once they get it, they jump on to social for trendy updates on fashion, sports, politics and so on.
Such students have a nice excuse of they reading and searching for information online. But 'Issa Lie', either they're streaming online or doing something else. Wei kraa, 3fa me ho b3n?
5) Attention seeking: While students visit the Library for their personal matters, others will move in there to announce their presence on campus.
They are good at transfering books from the shelves to the table without even flipping through the first page, just to talk of reading.
Such students mostly sit at Library to spy the movements of other students entering and leaving the Hall.
The guys for instance have a special way to monitor the movement of a fine 'chick' at the Library and they've got this 360° eye(s) that can do for them.
Their tagline is; "We were 'there' some."
6) Last Minute 'Apor': The McMillan Library at the Ghana Institute of Journalism hardly get full in the course of the semester. But, it automatically draw(s) Student closer when Exams is fast approaching.
That's magical and amazing, isn't it?
That is the right time for some of us to actually visit the library with the hope of reading over some few topics ahead of the papers.
Last minute reading be y3 d3.
But hey! Come to think it, we've got some students who have never visited the Library nor felt the coolness of the air-condition and the new changes that have taken place.
They're allergic to the entrance of the Library, once their initial registration succeeds.
"After all, going to the Library everyday isn't a guarantee for academic excellence, but it is equally important to make good use of that place by visiting there once or twice a day." — (Nambe Patrick, December 2017)
Finally, my question is; Where do you belong to?
Nambe Patrick is my identity, and a sophomore student at the Ghana Institute of Journalism.
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