Inter-tribal Marriages: 5 reasons to marry from another tribe

There are more than 75 ethnic groups in Ghana. Each of these tribes over the years have developed rich values, beliefs, tradition, culture and norms. 

Though majority of this tribes are patrilineal, a significant percentage of this group are matrileneal.

This groups though from past experiences have created boundaries and rivalry among each other.

On the marriage front, the traditions and norms for selecting the appropriate partner varies and this among other things create inter-tribal marriages since only those that belong to a specific culture would willingly comfort to the culture they are born in.

While inter-tribal marriages can encourage and showcase the diversity of the Ghanaian heterogeneous ancestry, these type of unions is a rare occurrence.

In spite of modern trends, modernization and education making the world a much more global village, todays youths break out from their cultural group to ventured into this uncharted territory. Though there is so much skepticism most of this marriages end up blissful and successful.

Here are 5 benefits of inter-tribal marriages. Hopefully they should convince you to lay down your skepticism.


Among all things love always ends up becoming a major reason to break away from "the norm". Love conquers all things.

It can make individuals embark on incredulous journeys and come back with the unexpected. It makes people blind to the erroneous perception and stereotypes about other tribe like Ewe's like drinking and causing harm to others (wrong perception), Ashanti's are too proud and love blood money (wrong perception), Northerners like juju and are quick tempered (wrong perception), Ga ladies are promiscuous (wrong perception).

By getting to know and identify your significant other you realize the persons tribe is just a matter of geographical location coupled with rich cultures and nothing else like you actually assumed.

You fall in love and you surprise the masses.


The slithering division between different ethnic nationalities is obvious at nearly all spheres of our national engagements. From appointments to infrastructure distribution and employment, disparities over the quota system which allows for equanimity among regions have been a contentious debate.

Increasing inter-tribal marriages will pale these differences among people and collapse the existing barriers. It will promote unity and the successes of these marriages will encourage more empathy and accelerated growth among people.

A typical example is a complex case of my neighbours an Ashanti married to an Ewe Lady in a typical Ashanti area. Due to this union (which apparently was a big hustle), the two families have made peace and are staying together.

Cultural Exchange

The impact of inter-tribal marriages can be felt in the cultural exchanges and interactions between families.

This is essentially poignant in a clime where elders are treated with reverence as it will be an embarrassment if each spouse cannot greet their parents-in-law in each other’s native dialect.

Preservation of Languages

Many Ghanaians are concerned about the decline in local languages. But the question is how can this nosedive be halted? Inter-tribal marriages are a viable option to turn to. If the couple can speak each other’s language.

They can pass the heritage to their children by speaking it to them, enriching their minds with expansive psyche on the eclectic nature of the motherland. This children become multi-lingual and pass that on to their future children.

Experience Diversity

The beauty of Ghanaian diversity is remarkable. To experience this diversity in terms of culinary, festivals, beliefs, values and attitudes be open to spending your life with a partner from a tribe different from yours and you will appreciate the nation’s beauty much more.

What is your experience like pertaining to inter-tribal marriages? Tell us your success story.


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