Election is over, let's ignore the past and work for the future - Nambe Patrick writes

Nana Akuffo Addo is going be the President for all as he assured, and what we should be doing is to encourage, as well as support him govern the country well.

Nana Akuffo Addo is going be the President for all as he assured, and what we should be doing is to encourage, as well as support him govern the country well.

The personal and verbal attacks wouldn't help us, hence, it should be discouraged.

We have to be united as a nation, and live peacefully in order to achieve the greatness of this country.

Meanwhile, let's not hesitate to criticize the next government constructively, should they go wrong. And In summation, we shouldn't be blindfolded with Politics in spreading falsehood just to tarnish the hard earned image of others.

God bless our homeland Ghana.


Nambe Patrick,
Ghana Institute of Journalism.

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