Noodles Consumption on the Rise among Gij Students despite Health warnings

Consumption of instant Noodle, particularly, Indomie, is on a rise among Tertiary students, especially GIJ students, and most of these students like it because it is cheap, fast and easy to prepare.

In an interview with the PR Today Newspaper, the students, Juliana Best and Pearl mortey,  said instant noodles saves them from the daily "wahala" they endure in order to get food to eat.

"I can use Gh¢ 3 cedis to buy it with eggs. It very easy to prepare and I kind of like it a lot", Beatrice Ofori told the PR Today.

Despite its affordability and simple cooking method, medical experts caution that excessive intake of instant noodles can results in obesity, and metabolic ailments such as Diabetes, High blood Pressure, Hypertension, Heart problems etc.

Most instant noodles are made of maida- milled, refined and bleached version of wheat flour. They are highly processed in order to bear long shelf life, low on nutritive content, colour, high on fat calories, preservatives, additives and flavourings.

Additionally, Noodles also contains MSG, a Sodium Salt of Glutamic acid also known as excitotoxin. In other words, they contain substances that are over stimulated. The MSG substance increases the appetite levels of consumers, making them yearn more and more for it.

A level 300 student, Nancy Tuffuor, said that she can't do without it despite being warn against it on several occasions.

"I love noodles, I mean I enjoy it with glee and I don't mind if anyone calls me a noodles freak", she confessed.

Another student, Salifu Moro, narrated to us the ordeal his senior brother (name withheld) went through due to his excessive consumption of fast foods, particularly Noodles.

"My brother suffered a serious typhod fever for taking in too much Noodles, which resulted in his heard, feet and hands getting swollen. We had to take him home (village) to be treated by one traditional doctor, because we were not seeing any progress in the hospitals we took him to", he narrated.

Source: Bridget Yuora Aazore/

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  1. True talk paaa...

  2. Moses Appiah Kubi5 July 2017 at 12:23

    Some girls from GIJ will rely solely on Indomie in order to dodge cooking. Some of them can't even cook

  3. You people should leave us la
