Denkyira Obuasi residents must pray, fast to avert curses of Mahama's death - Sam Korankye

Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah, the Apostle General of the Royal house chapel International has reiterated that the people of Denkyira Obuasi in the Central Region would have to pray and fast to be able to avert every curse that their "unfortunate action" might have attracted in the killing of the military officer, Major Maxwell Adams Mahama.

In rejoinder to media reports on a sermon he delivered, Rev Korankye Ankrah wrote: "I, therefore, stand by my proposed road map of atonement and restoration for the people of Denkyira-Obuasi. If the people would humble themselves and earnestly seek the face of God through prayer and fasting, every curse that their unfortunate action might have attracted to the community would be averted.

Read the rejoinder below

RE: Mahama's killers cursed, no leader can ever come from Denkyira Obuasi

I have read media publications quoting out of context portions of a sermon I preached.

At the service I preached from various texts, including Mathew 11:12 - "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.’ Mathew 6:9& 10 - Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.” Galatians 6: 7 -

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap,”

In doing an exposition on Galatians 6:7, and with the support of other biblical texts, I made reference to the gruesome murder of Major Maxwell Mahama in the context of the impact of how our actions as individuals, communities and as a nation affect our lives and our generations.

The word of God makes it dear that when we sow good seeds, we will reap blessings and when we sow had seeds, we will reap misfortune.

Therefore, if 1 sow the seed of killing a leader, 1 may reap the harvest of not being able to produce leaders.

I wish to remind Ghanaians that following the murder of Major Mahama, there were reports of other lynchings, which did not receive the same attention as Major Mahama's.

Let us remember that when Cain shed the innocent blood of Abel, God responded with an enquiry and pronounced a curse thereafter (Genesis 4:1-12). This will be true for every case where innocent blood is shed whether by mob action or by individuals.

As such, as a nation, we must take cognizance of the fact that our present actions will undoubtedly have an effect on not just ourselves, but also on our children and children's children.

Therefore, at all cost, when the opportunity presents itself, we mint move forward in true repentance, in the sincerity and integrity of our hearts to seek forgiveness from

God, correct our wrongs where possible and make reparations where necessary in order to avert any misfortune that we may harvest due to the negative seeds we may have sown by our words or conduct.

I wish to categorically state that my statements were not meant to release a curse on the town of Denkyira – Obuasi, but to bring to the attention of the community and the nation what is biblically true; that in life we do reap what we sow.

1 also wish to state that the God that we serve is a God of mercy who is willing and able at all times to forgive us our sins if we show true repentance.

The blood of Jesus is able to cleanse us from all our sins, irrespective of the kind of sin; as individuals, at communities and even as a nation.

I, therefore, stand by my proposed road map of atonement and restoration for the people of Denkyira-Obuasi. If the people would humble themselves and earnestly seek the face of God through prayer and fasting, every curse that their unfortunate action might have attracted to the community would be averted.

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and reek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)

As a Prophet of God, it is my divine duty to call the nation to older under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and 1 do this with full knowledge that I am also accountable to God.

God bless our homeland Ghana! Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah Apostle General Royal house chapel International


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