Six students' organisations you need to join in the University

The ultimate university experience is one that embodies all the cores of unionism and an experiential lifestyle.

You don’t have to box out everything that isn’t about getting about a first class. A holistic balance of associations with like-minded individuals could build you in so many unimaginable ways.

Joining any of these university clubs would impress your future employers, build your confidence and influence the lives of others positively.

Student Politics

From Junior Common Room (JCR) representatives to Student Representative Council (SRC) leaders, student politicians have over the years garnered a very unpopular reputation for being the brush and profiteering people in the student community.

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Although there might be some truth in this, joining any level of student leadership gives you an opportunity to mouth the grievances of students, interact with senior members of the University and build your management and leadership skills.


When you were in high school, sports might have been for rowdy, and seemingly unserious students who pay little or no attention to their academic performance.

However, universities across the nation place a lot of priority on sporting activities and the welfare of students who engage in the various disciplines.

Your dedication, training, and excellence in a particular sport could open travel opportunities, scholarships, and several other incentives.

Student Media

If you have journalistic ambitions, you should definitely volunteer to work with your school’s media group.

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Most universities in Ghana have formidable student media organizations that have become the platform for grooming the next ace journalists in the country.

You’d learn to function as a professional journalist, write news stories, edit and create amazing content as part of your school’s newspaper or radio station.

Volunteering Groups

There is something very fulfilling and memorable about fighting for a cause, putting a smile on someone’s face or impacting even the smallest group of people.

Search yourself for something you’re passionate about and invest your time and effort in creating awareness about it. You’d be making the world a better place with your widow’s might.

Critical thinking Organizations

Some clubs in the university build your cognitive horizon and expose you to multiple perspectives and thought patterns that make you a better thinker.

Clubs like the debate societies, think-tank organizations and problem oriented groups challenge you to read and research out of your course requirements, innovate and find solutions to difficult questions posed in simulated case studies.

Skill-Specific Organizations

Four years of university education presents an opportunity to fill in gaps in your personality, your skill set, and knowledge.

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You should have a list of skills you would want to acquire and join a club that can help you advance in such an area.

If you want to learn to swim, play the guitar, be a better public speaker, then find a club tailor-made to help you meet these milestones.


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