How road accidents can be controlled - Margaret Oduro writes

In recent times, the number of road accidents in this country have increased tremendously and if not tackled head on, it would erode the highest death rate in this country.

I would like to use this opportunity to express my ideas on the topic above.

Below are some causes, effects and solutions with regard to road accidents in Ghana.

One of the major cause of road accidents in the country is as a result of over speeding by drivers and motorist. It is widely known that over speeding kills, yet most drivers and motorists engage themselves into it with the notion that; "They are in a hurry to reach their destination", with this passengers have no say on that.

Most at times, this situation happens whenever drivers try to negotiate a curve. You will all bear with me, won't you?

This has led to the death of passengers and can be controlled by educating drivers on the effects of it.

 Another contributory factor to accidents is due to deplorable nature of roads in this country. The road network linking places are very poor, making it difficult for drivers use them, eventually leads to accident.

Many roads have pot holes on which makes it very difficult for drivers to slow down whenever they are driving, which could lead to death as well as properties getting destroyed.

This can be solved if only the government see to it that, roads are well constructed.

Again, most drivers drink alcohol before driving with the intention that,the alcohol will boost their morale whiles driving.

This is another cause of road accidents. You will all bear with me that, after one takes in alcohol, he or she becomes weak and also misbehave abnormally. So with  this how can a 'weak' driver lead people to their destinations?

But then, this issue can be solved if station masters see to it that all drivers aren't 'boozed' before allowing them to start their journey.

Conclusively, I would enf here with high hopes that, the above issue would be taken as a matter of emergency.

Let's join the campaign to monitor and curb road accidents in this country.

Written by; Margaret Oduro

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