Six friends you need to survive at the University

Friends form an integral part of human existence. One is expected to have friends irrespective of where they find themselves. In the University there are different kinds of people here are six types of friends you must strive to have in the tertiary institution.

Everybody needs a friend who helps define their lives. People make friends who help them develop their potentials in the university. Others also make friends that lead them into trouble.

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Everyone has friends already before they enter the tertiary institutions, but it is advisable to make new ones that will help you develop into a better person.

Here are six types of friends you need to make in the university.

1. The Parent

You are possibly going to live in a hostel, without your parents. Yes, it’s a bit of freedom and independence but you still need that friend who will play the parent role while you are away from home.

You need the one person who can still help with cooking and all the advice on which event to go for.

You still need that person who will act as a parent and have your back like your parents will.

2. The Study Buddy

You are in the University to learn. There must be that friend who will influence your study life.

You must have the friend who doesn’t miss any lecture when you were too hungover to attend and is actually willing to share their notes with you.

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The friend who will encourage you to go to the library and help you with all the assignments.

3. The Party Animal

Yes! You are in school to learn but you can’t let go of your social life as well. You need to be an all-around student.

You need the party animal to show you which event is happening and at what time.

There must be that friend who you will call when planning a night out.

The expert in turning an ordinary drink-up to a long night of dancing, and making a boring party a lively one.

4. The Overachiever

You should have that friend who belongs to every association on campus, goes to the gym, makes time to study, does all the things that make him seem busy but is still on track for the top grade.

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You need this friend to help you plan your daily activities. These friends also help in making you a social being.

5. The Fashionista

This friend knows everything trending, from hairstyles to the least fashion accessory. Complains about being broke all the time, but miraculously always has money for anything trending.

This is not for you to overspend too but rather for you to know what is trending at any time.

6. The Paparazzi

The Social media craze alone should encourage you to get a paparazzi friend.

This friend takes over half of the pictures you have on your phone and on social media networks and is often glued to a phone. This friend will capture every moment in a day you spend together.

They may be slightly annoying with instructions on how to pose for the best shots but they are worth having.

Credit: Magdalene Teiko Larnyoh/

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  1. Equiah Mirabel4 July 2017 at 15:52

    This article is very nice.. Thanks for sharing

  2. Sabastian Agyei4 July 2017 at 15:55

    I need to share this post on my wall... Such a good piece
